Title: Unexploded aerial bomb embedded in residential home door
An aerial bomb, assessed to be a Mark 82 LDGP (also known as MK 82 Low Drag General Purpose) is embedded in a residential home external door. The MK 82 LDGP is a 500lb/230kg air delivered ordnance that is part of the Mark 80 series of bombs, and contains approximately 87kg of high explosives. At time of writing, there are 3 models of this aerial bomb still currently in use, the Mark 82 (500lb), Mark 83 (1000lb) & Mark 84 (2000lb). This model of aerial bomb is designed to be modular, with accessories, fuzes, sensors & guidance kits continuously being created & upgraded for it over time. This particular aerial bomb is in an extremely unique situation due to the low angle in which it is embedded in the door. To the left of the bomb is an open doorway that leads into a courtyard that is surrounded by low walls and other residential houses. In order to achieve its current position, the aerial bomb had to glide in between residential homes, pass above the courtyard walls, but still remain low enough to embed itself in the door.
Location: Iraq, Mosul
Date: 19 April 2018
Format2: Digital product
Number of files: 4
- 2 JPG files - 1 Coloured, 1 Black & white (Recommended for screen use)
- 2 TIFF files - 1 Coloured, 1 Black & white (Recommended for print)
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1All information accurate at time of reporting within all reasonable effort. Any errors, inaccuracies and known persons/locations/organisations depicted are entirely incidental. Product description may be updated when new information becomes available.
2Preview image has been downscaled to 20% of original size, contains watermark, but at original resolution. Purchased image will be at original size, full resolution, and without watermark.
- Image Type:
- JPG: Colour, Black & White | TIFF: Colour, Black & White
- Resolution:
- 330 PPI
- Image Size:
- 5304 (W) x 7952 (H) pixels
- Colour Space:
- JPG: sRGB | TIFF: Adobe RGB
- File Size:
- Colour: JPG 33.7 MB, TIFF 253.1 MB | Black & White: JPG 24.8 MB, TIFF 253.1 MB
- Date Created:
- 19 April 2018
- Watermark:
- None
- Creator:
- George Tan